" Artificial Intelligence "
Definition :
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the study of how to make computers do things which, at the moment, people do better.
What is exactly :-
What exactly is artificial intelligence? Although most attempts to define complex and widely used terms precisely are exercises in futility, it is useful to draw at least an approximate boundary around the concept to provide a perspective on the discussion that follows. To do this, we propose the following by no means universally accepted definition. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the study of how to make computers do things which, at the moment, people do better.
Example :-
As AI migrates to the real world we do not seem to be satisfied with just a computer playing a chess game. Instead we wish a robot would sit opposite to us as an opponent, visualize the real board and make the right moves in this physical world.
This definition is, of course, somewhat ephemeral because of its reference to the current state of computer science. And it fails to include some areas of potentially very large impact, namely problems that cannot now be solved well by either computers or people. But it provides a good outline of what constitutes artificial intelligence, and it avoids the philosophical issues that dominate attempts to define the meaning of either artificial or intelligence.
There are signs which seem to suggest that the newer off-shoots of AI together with their real world applications are gradually overshadowing it.
Only what we finally achieve in the future will help us propound an apt definition for Al! The feeling of intelligence is a mirage, if you achieve it, it ceases to make you feel so. As somebody has aptly put it .. AI is Artificial Intelligence till it is achieved.
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